Sunday, April 25, 2010

Teddy Bears' Picnic: Cosmo, Lola, and Hollyberry at the Doodle Romp

Cosmo, Lola, and Hollyberry spent Sunday morning at the IDOG (International Doodle Owners Group) Doodle Romp at Hellyer County Park in San Jose.


The park has a HUGE grassy off-leash field within the enclosed dog park.

Lola thoroughly enjoyed romping with like-minded ball-chasing labradoodles!

Cosmo is not that interested in tennis balls but fancies the pretty owner (Violet of Harmony Labradoodles?)

Tired out after so much fun (and wanting some of those In-and-Out Burgers in the front seat!)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Cosmo Hangs Out With The Girls

Another sunny afternoon...and a last chance to hang out with Maisy before she goes home...

Cosmo and Lo on "Sign Hill"

Sunday morning hike on "Sign Hill" in South San Francisco.  Both dogs do so well off-leash, especially in the more remote trails...Lola will charge on ahead wagging her tail furiously, but comes racing back to "check in" if I fall behind more than a few yards!

On the Letter "Y"

Steeper (and more slippery) than it looks in the photo!
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Lily at the Lacrosse Match

Ran into Miss Lily unexpectedly at a playing field...

...She seemed happy to see us!
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Saturday, April 17, 2010

TGIF "Puppy Hour"

An impromptu Friday evening puppy playdate with Emmy, Gretel, Maisy and Holly...

Emmy, Holly, and Maisy

Miss Maisy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Labradoodle Puppy Playdate

The puppies enjoy romping and exploring together in the garden.  As the "pack mentality" takes over, they seem to become more confident and active in exploring the environment and in their roughhousing and chase-games.          



Kotah and Lily  

New trainer gets their attention!

Losing steam
Lily and Hollyberry are wiped out...